Lab Procedures:
A comprehensive document on preregistration is available here
Lab facilities and major equipment:
Four behavioral testing rooms. Each room is equipped with a fast PC. We usually program our experiments in EPrime, Matlab, PsychoPy, OpenSesame.
Two physiological testing rooms. Each room is partitioned into a testing area and an observation and recording area and is equipped with a Biopac MP150 system. We can record:
- HR
- Respiration
We can record some of these signals using wireless BioNomadix Amplifiers. Currently we use those for wireless EMG and EDA/Pulse. We analyze our data using Matlab, Acknowledge, and Mindware.
We also have a camera monitoring and recording system. For video analysis, we use facial expression recognition software (Emotient, formerly CERT).
All this is supported by 3 PCs (each), one for running E-Prime, one for Biopac, and one for video recording.
Our androids:
Some of our studies on mimicry, imitation, facial expressions, and fluency use artificial beings, presented “live” or via video. Meet one of them here.